Saturday, May 2, 2015

Avengers Age of Ultron | Honest Raw Review [HRR]

So the premiere of the new Avengers film took place last night in Greece and I was fortunate enough to attend it. Marvel did a fantastic enough job with the trailers to hype me up to the point of no return, so going into the theatre, I was pretty pumped. Before I go into detail I just want to answer a couple straight forward questions that will quickly relieve people that don't want to read my whole review:

1) Was it fun? Hell yeah!
2) Should I go and watch it? Are you a fan of the series? Definitely go and check it out!
3) Was it the best thing in all of Marvel's superhero existence? Nah.

Now that we got that out of the way, let us go a bit more in-depth. The trailers to begin with did an amazing job delivering the epicness and bad-assery of the film and Ultron specifically. He seemed like a truly brilliant, murder-thirsty AI with a really bad-ass look. Though once you skip the 40 minute mark in the movie you start realising that that's just not true any more. The movie took a turn for both the best and the worst towards the end. Ultron's character drastically changed from a well-organized AI extinction machine to a more human-like character. He felt alone when no one stood by him, he made funny quirky remarks most of the time, and in general, resembled more of a very smart humanoid villain rather than a product of artificial intelligence. I can see how many people were disappointed by this, but to be completely honest, I loved it. The tied the fact that he was acting more like a human rather than AI to the fact that he is so advanced he can achieve the level oh advanced human emotion etc. Though I have to admit that towards the end defeating Ultron seemed a little trivial with the whole comedic aspect flailing about. But what can I say, I love Marvel because their films are not serious all the time. I mean for heaven's sake there are superheroes flying about how serious can you get? The jokes the characters were cracking were awesome and probably the best parts of the movie itself. Even though it got kinda silly when at supposed serious moments of the film. I think the best Marvel movie for joke balance is Guardians of the Galaxy. They kept it serious when it needed to be. Age of Ultron seemed a little funky and misplaced at times due to the many aspects they had to cover for the next couple of movies to make sense. Sometimes it felt like it was constantly setting grounds for the next movies to step on and not really paying attention to itself.

In summary, awesome and funny, but sometimes it needs to be a grown-up.


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